Wrapping virtual threads in predefined ExecutorService.

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 11:12:01 UTC 2023

I'm not sure where you want to improve performance. Suppose we could create
multiple virtual thread groups (each with an arbitrary number of carrier
threads specified at group creation time). Assuming you have N cores, you
could create N such groups with a single carrier thread each (then you
somehow pin that carrier thread to a given core). Now you could execute
virtual threads on a given core, but then you seem to lose most of the
advantages, because virtual threads (even if they are running on the same
core) are concurrent, so you can't really avoid synchronization at this
point. Not to mention that you will get the overhead of virtual thread
scheduling. I think if you really want some very low level optimization,
then you probably have to use platform threads instead of virtual threads,
and then write your tightly optimized code there.

Andrii Lomakin <lomakin.andrey at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. jún.
17., Szo, 11:29):

> Yes, that is what I intended to say.
> I apologize for any confusion. Is there a plan to incorporate this feature
> in the future?
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