The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes

Eric Kolotyluk eric at
Fri Mar 10 22:57:05 UTC 2023

The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes 

I would recommend this presentation as interesting, worth watching.

However, I found a lot of problems with the arguments, and while John De 
Goes knows a few things about Loom, his knowledge is incomplete and out 
of date. On the other had, he does make a few interesting claims about 
Zio that /might /be nice features in Loom some day. In particular, the 
for-yield structure in Scala and Zio is a very powerful structure, 
although can be quite cryptic to fathom, especially by the most clever 
in the Scala community.

I will withhold my other insights and questions until people respond to 
this, showing interest in further discussion.

Cheers, Eric
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