The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes
Robert Engels
rengels at
Sun Mar 12 13:15:14 UTC 2023
Sorry, I should have given more context. It appears the Scala community is suffering from some political??? issues - to the point that the speaker in the cited video has been “cancelled” and disinvited from the upcoming “scalaconf”. Doesn’t bode well for its wide adoption - which was already in decline.
> On Mar 11, 2023, at 11:02 PM, Damien Cooke <damien at> wrote:
> Eric,
> Thanks for sharing this. I really enjoyed it. He had a great
> conversational style and he had some great points. However, his
> information on Loom seemed incomplete or outdated at times. There were
> quite a few but for me, One glaring inaccuracy was his comments about
> structured concurrency. In loom it is every bit as simple and concise
> as ZIO consider this:
> try (final var executor = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor())
> {
> executor.submit(() -> System.out.println("virtual thread 0"));
> executor.submit(() -> System.out.println("virtual thread 1"));
> }
> could anything be more concise than this? We know all threads have
> finished once the scope exits.
> I also think it was a pointless exercise anyway as they are not
> competing products, if ZIO was a library you could use in Java there
> might have been a point but ZIO is a library for Scala. Great, I am
> not going to learn a new language just so I can use ZIO. I would learn
> Scala because it was the right tool for a particular job and certainly
> use ZIO if concurrency was part of that project, however, Java's
> concurrency tools were quite robust even before Loom, Loom just made
> them much much better. I would not use Scala over Java just so I can
> use ZIO.
> Regards
> Damien
>> On Fri, 2023-03-10 at 14:57 -0800, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:
>> The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes
>> I would recommend this presentation as interesting, worth watching.
>> However, I found a lot of problems with the arguments, and while John
>> De Goes knows a few things about Loom, his knowledge is incomplete
>> and out of date. On the other had, he does make a few interesting
>> claims about Zio that might be nice features in Loom some day. In
>> particular, the for-yield structure in Scala and Zio is a very
>> powerful structure, although can be quite cryptic to fathom,
>> especially by the most clever in the Scala community.
>> I will withhold my other insights and questions until people respond
>> to this, showing interest in further discussion.
>> Cheers, Eric
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