: Re: The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes
Arnaud Masson
arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com
Wed Mar 15 17:38:13 UTC 2023
Nice, thanks.
I think this is especially useful when we must call a “blackbox library” from finally/cleanup block (so we can’t control if the special uninterruptible versions of APIs – if they exist - are used inside).
De : Ron Pressler <ron.pressler at oracle.com>
Date : mercredi, 15 mars 2023 à 16:27
À : Arnaud Masson <arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com>
Cc : loom-dev at openjdk.org <loom-dev at openjdk.org>, Piotr Tarsa <piotr.tarsa at gmail.com>
Objet : Re: [External] : Re: The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes
If you really want to run some code uninterruptibly, you’d either use an uninterruptible version of the method (which is available for some methods in the JDK), or protect the code from interruption by submitting it as a task and controlling
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If you really want to run some code uninterruptibly, you’d either use an uninterruptible version of the method (which is available for some methods in the JDK), or protect the code from interruption by submitting it as a task and controlling it with a future. Here’s how you can implement a general `doUninterruptibly` in a similar way, only using StructuredTaskScope:
<T> T doUninterruptibly(Callable<T> task) throws ExecutionException {
boolean interrupted = false;
try (var s = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<T>()) {
while (true) {
try {
return s.join().result();
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
interrupted = true;
} finally {
if (interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
On 15 Mar 2023, at 14:37, Arnaud Masson <arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com<mailto:arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com>> wrote:
Yes, that avoids problems most of the time,
but what if closeStuff() could throw InterruptedException?
(If the thread interruption request occurs during the finally block, not during the try block.)
On 15 Mar 2023, at 14:15, Arnaud Masson <arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com<mailto:arnaud.masson at fr.ibm.com>> wrote:
Yes, that would be nice for finally { } blocks.
A bit like what’s suggested here: https://github.com/google/guava/issues/1409#issuecomment-389469315<https://github.com/google/guava/issues/1409#issuecomment-389469315>
try {
doSomeIO(); // can throw InterruptedException
} finally {
Uninterruptibles.runUninterruptibly(() ->
closeStuff() // cannot throw InterruptedException
) // auto rethrow (delayed) InterruptedException if needed
What about try-with-resource?
Methods that throw InterruptedException clear the interrupt status precisely to allow calling interruptible methods in cleanup code.
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