ReferenceQueue declared but not used in ThreadContainers (memory leak)?

Alexey Gavrilov Alexey1.Gavrilov at
Tue May 16 19:38:37 UTC 2023


After switching our Jetty based server application from JDK 18 to JDK 20  I
have noticed an increase in heap memory usage when using the G1 garbage
collector (measured by MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed()).
Previously a steady memory usage line on the JVM metrics dashboard started
going up towards the maximum heap size.

I conducted a head dump analysis after several days of up-time and found
out that the `jdk.internal.vm.ThreadContainers` class [1] is the biggest
garbage collector root. The class static field
`ThreadContainers.CONTAINER_REGISTRY contained a set of weakly referenced
instances of `ThreadContainer`, the number of items in the set was growing
regardless of the garbage collection cycles.

I have been observing this behavior on both Temurin and Corretto latest JDK
20 distributions (on Corretto though it took longer time to notice)

When I looked closely at the ThreadContainers source code, I noticed a
private static`ThreadContainers.QUEUE` field intended to track and remove
references eligible for garbage collection. The field contains an instance
of the `ReferenceQueue` class which is only used in the
`expungeStaleEntries` method and is not actually being populated.

I guess the idea was that `QUEUE` should have been passed as a second
parameter to the `WeakReference` constructor in the `registerContainer`
method, so the reference queue would properly register every new
`ThreadContainer` instance.

Can someone please check this out?

Best regards,
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