Performance Questions and Poller Implementation in Project Loom

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Nov 10 12:51:19 UTC 2023

On 10/11/2023 12:05, Robert Engels wrote:
> In the robaho version there is no setting of the socket send buffer - 
> it uses the os default size. The 1mb buffer in user space is the same 
> in both. Same with the baseline.
> The floating buffer is what causes the ENOBUFS in OSX - Linux does not 
> exhibit this issue.
> That helidon is setting the kernel send buffer behind the scenes was 
> not obvious to me.
> I will try and configure both to be be the same and rerun.
I see Daniel Kec has posted a code fragment in the github issue on how 
to configure it when using the webserver builder. So yes, it will have a 
default value when the connection is initially accept but it is being 
changed to 32k.


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