New candidate JEP: 462: Structured Concurrency (Second Preview)

Eric Kolotyluk eric at
Fri Oct 27 18:55:21 UTC 2023

I have tried things out over the evolution of Structured Concurrency, 
but not this specific case.

While I agree that trying things out is a */good /*way to see how it 
works, trying things out does not confirm actual architectural or design 
intent, it merely speculates on intent. It would be nice for the 
architects to explicitly specify their intent in JEPs and elsewhere.

But, thanks for the example... did you write it yourself, or have GitHub 
Copilot do it? 😉 Just teasing...

On 2023-10-27 10:16 a.m., Josiah Noel wrote:
> Have you tried it out? Trying this stuff out is the best way to see 
> how it works, in any case, observe the following example
> try(ShutdownOnSuccess<Integer>scope 
> =newStructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<>()){
> varfail =
> scope.fork(
> ()->{
> thrownewIllegalAccessException();
> });
> scope.fork(
> ()->{
> Thread.sleep(Duration.of(random.nextInt(0,1000),ChronoUnit.MILLIS));
> return1;
> });
> scope.fork(
> ()->{
> Thread.sleep(Duration.of(random.nextInt(0,1000),ChronoUnit.MILLIS));
> return2;
> });
> scope.join();
> // get first result, (will not care about exceptions as long as one 
> succeeds)
> scope.result();
> // will throw an exception
> fail.get();
> }
> Essentially, you must use the `scope.result()` method to retrieve the 
> result instead of calling the get methods on a particular subtask
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 12:37 PM Eric Kolotyluk <eric at> 
> wrote:
>     Looks good... thanks.
>     One slight area of confusion for me was,
>     |<T> List<Future<T>> executeAll(List<Callable<T>> tasks) throws
>     InterruptedException { try (var scope = new
>     StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) { List<? extends
>     Supplier<Future<T>>> futures = .map(task ->
>     asFuture(task)) .map(scope::fork) .toList(); scope.join(); return
>; } } static <T>
>     Callable<Future<T>> asFuture(Callable<T> task) { return () -> {
>     try { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(; }
>     catch (Exception ex) { return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(ex);
>     } }; }|
>     And what happens if |ShutdownOnSuccess| is called instead.
>     Eventually I reasoned that the right thing should happen, but
>     there should only ever be one element in the list. Does the scope
>     guarantee only one result?
>      1. It would be slightly helpful to point this out in a note so
>         that it is more obvious.
>      2. What is less obvious is that with |ShutdownOnSuccess| what
>         happens if one or more of the siblings throw an exception?
>           * I would hope that so long at least one task succeeds, this
>             should not cause the overall success of the scope to fail.
>           * It would be nice to see this explained more clearly.
>           *  Maybe |ShutdownOnSuccess| deserves its own example,
>             discussing possible edge cases.
>     Somehow I am remembering Scala 'for comprehensions' with
>     concurrent tasks that 'yield' a result... 😉
>     The current situation seems kinda clunky with using one stream to
>     collect futures, and yet another stream to collect results. Maybe
>     one of the Java architects hates such boilerplate, and will come
>     up with an elegant way to reduce/remove such boilerplate.
>     Sincerely, Eric
>     On 2023-10-27 7:39 a.m., Mark Reinhold wrote:
>>        Summary: Simplify concurrent programming by introducing an API for
>>        structured concurrency. Structured concurrency treats groups of related
>>        tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby
>>        streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability,
>>        and enhancing observability. This is a preview API.
>>     - Mark
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