http server designed for virtual threads

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Oct 30 10:55:22 UTC 2023

On 29/10/2023 18:55, robert engels wrote:
> Hi all,
> Posting here as I think this could be of interest to many that follow 
> this group.
> I released a new project <> that 
> is a http server designed for virtual threads. No async. Simply supply 
> a virtual thread based ExecutorService. It is based on the JDK 
> httpserver and adds websocket support based on nanohttpd.
> Feel free to ask any questions.
When you say "based on the JDK httpserver", do you mean it uses, or you 
have forked, the jdk.httpserver code? Just curious what you had to do as 
HttpServer::setExecutor can already be used to have it create a virtual 
thread per each HTTP request. We have a few JDK tests that do that to 
make sure it works.

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