[External] : Re: Naming of StructuredTaskScope.Subtask.State

Alan Bateman alan.bateman at oracle.com
Tue Dec 3 07:35:43 UTC 2024

On 02/12/2024 21:42, Chen Liang wrote:
> Hi Masoud,
> As you can see in JEP 499 (https://openjdk.org/jeps/499), there is no 
> change in the 4^th  preview.
> Originally, it was planned to make STS an interface (see 
> https://github.com/openjdk/loom/commit/3996f6c9e930e941076a33a1b58ebc7e475285c8) 
> in the 4^th  preview; Alan seems to have deferred these changes to a 
> 5^th  preview per https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/21934, most 
> likely due to various cleanup after the integration of JEP 486, the 
> removal of Security Manager.

The JEP with the API refresh is submitted with a view to getting it onto 
the technical roadmap. Too many other JEPs were also trying to get onto 
the technical roadmap around the same time and several (including this 
one) didn't get onto the roadmap in time. Hopefully next release. It's 
nothing to do JEP 486.

As regards the naming it came from Future.State when this API changed 
from returning a Future to Subtask for the first preview.

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