EA builds with changes to object monitor implementation to avoid pinning with virtual threads

Brian S O'Neill bronee at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 15:47:41 UTC 2024

On 2024-02-10 01:26 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

> We've published early-access builds from the loom repo [1] that have 
> changes to the object monitor implementation that do not pin for these 
> two common cases. We need help to test these changes. Testing the 
> changes means trying out the builds with code that you know is using 
> virtual threads and with libraries that are heavily synchronized. We 
> need to gauge both reliability and performance. The simplest way to 
> report an issue or feedback is to just send a mail here. For the VM 
> savvy, testing with both -XX:LockingMode=1 (current default) and 
> -XX:LockingMode=2 would be super helpful as that would exercise the two 
> locking mode currently mplemented by the HotSpot VM.

Is there a document which summarizes the changes to the object monitor 

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