ScopedValue.runWhere not returning scope

Marcin Grzejszczak marcin.grzejszczak at
Mon Jun 10 20:44:57 UTC 2024

I'm sorry but I think I'm just very bad at explaining.

What I'm just trying to say is that the only thing that I think would be
beneficial in terms of the api changes is that instead of passing the
lambda that is doing all the safe keeping for the user (because it limits
what can be done because of the usage of lambda) one would be able to
literally do the same but not through the lambda but through manual start
and stop. The rest of the assumptions would remain the same regardless of
whether one using a lambda or not.

I look at my request in a way as if you could do try with resources or
manually call close in the finally block. In our scenario either the user
passws the lambda or manually create the scope, runs the code (lambda) and
closes the scope. Scope opening and closing would do exactly the same what
it's being done under the hood when you call the lambda version.

Pozdrawiam / Best regards,
Marcin Grzejszczak

On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 19:34, Robert Engels <robaho at> wrote:

> But x == y does not require immutability, .e.g:
> final ScopedValue aScopedValue = …
> Recorder r = aScopedValue.get();
> r.recordSomeValue();
> final Recorder = aScopedValue.get();
> r.close() -> e.g. writes values to server…
> so the scoped value is not immutable, only the reference is constant.
> This doesn’t match the JEP or I am misunderstanding it.
> >  final ScopedValue aScopedValue = ...;
> >  final var x = aScopedValue.get();
> >  // Any Java code at all...
> >  final var y = aScopedValue.get();
> > On Jun 10, 2024, at 12:29 PM, Andrew Haley <aph-open at>
> wrote:
> >
> > On 6/10/24 17:25, Robert Engels wrote:
> >> I think the question is more - what are the threads doing with this
> >> object between the open and close. This is what controls whether or not
> >> the object can be immutable - which from my reading is the general
> >> design/limitation of a scoped variable.
> >
> > Exactly. So something (what?) returns a Scope object. But that can't
> change
> > the current scoped value context.
> >
> > Here's a fundamental property of a scoped value:
> >
> >  The result of aScopedValue.get() does not ever change within the
> execution
> >  context of a method. Sure, its value might get overridden in the
> context of a
> >  callee, but when that callee returns the scoped value has its original
> >  value.
> >
> >  So, in this code
> >
> >  final ScopedValue aScopedValue = ...;
> >  final var x = aScopedValue.get();
> >  // Any Java code at all...
> >  final var y = aScopedValue.get();
> >
> >  assert(x == y); // Always succeeds
> >
> > That is to say, you can read a scoped value, put it in a local, and use
> > that local, and it is a hard guarantee that will have exactly the same
> > effect as repeatedly calling aScopedValue.get() .
> >
> > --
> > Andrew Haley  (he/him)
> > Java Platform Lead Engineer
> > Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
> >
> > EAC8 43EB D3EF DB98 CC77 2FAD A5CD 6035 332F A671
> >
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