ScopedValue.runWhere not returning scope
Andrew Haley
aph-open at
Tue Jun 11 12:35:44 UTC 2024
On 6/11/24 11:32, Marcin Grzejszczak wrote:
>> So why not produce an example of how it would be used? As far as I can
>> see, your proposal fails to ensure the property in the case I posted/
> I've created samples at the very beginning with the before and after
> interceptor. I obviously know that I could rewrite the interceptor
> to become an around one but my point is that it's not an ideal
> solution to require instrumentors to rewrite everything. Also I
> still see this whole discussion as having two ways of doing the same
> thing. Current approach:
> ScopedValue.runWhere(scopedValue, someValue, () -> {
> codeToRun();
> });
> Proposed approach:
> try(Scope scope = ScopedValue.openScope(scopedValue, someValue)) {
> codeToRun();
This API fails the test I provided:
final ScopedValue aScopedValue = ...;
final var x = aScopedValue.get();
ScopedValue.openScope(aScopedValue, someValue);
final var y = aScopedValue.get();
assert(x == y); // Always succeeds
In other words, scoped values would no longer be strictly scoped.
That's what the "scoped" means in the name "scoped values". Strict
scoping is a fundamental property.
> }
> I understand that in the proposed approach one can mess things up, I
> really do. But library instrumentors and tracing library creators
> would benefit from that sort of API.
If we were planning to deprecate thread-local variables I think this
argument might have some merit. But we're not. They're not going away.
> Also I've asked a different question... What if the users want to
> leverage the ScopedValues to get the current span information (or
> current principal from security point of view) but also they are
> using TL based libraries? How would the interop look like?
As the JEP says, scoped values do not replace all uses of thread-local
variables. There are still some cases where thread-local variables
will be used, and this looks like one of them.
> Let's assume that they put into the current scope a span that they
> want to have within that scope, we would need all the tracer
> libraries (and security components and others that use the same
> mechanism) to be ScopeValue aware. Would they first try to read SV
> and then if that's not there a TL?
Yes, I think so.
> They would need to most likely read SV and populate TL if the SV
> value is present so that other components that still rely on TL
> would work. That would have to also work the other way round, if a
> TL based library sets a value (e.g. span) then maybe the ScopedValue
> should be created with a scope for that new value?
I'm not sure how that'd work in general, but there's nothing to stop
entry points for a library from doing so, and it might be a good idea.
Something like:
if (someThreadLocal.get() != NOTHING) {
where(someScopedValue, someThreadLocal.get()).run(realEntry);
} else {;
Andrew Haley (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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