Is there any consideration to package an EA version based on JDK 21

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed May 15 06:00:02 UTC 2024

On 15/05/2024 04:02, qia nxiao wrote:
> Hello everyone, I have noticed thatLoom is currently trying to modify 
> the object monitor to avoid pinning and has already released an EA 
> version based on JDK 23.
> I would like to ask if there is any consideration to package an EA 
> version based on JDK 21. JDK 21 is an LTS version, and my applications 
> are planned to stay on this version for a longer period of time.
The changes to the object monitor implementation are work in progress, 
likely a release after JDK 23. So no, this isn't something for JDK 21 

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