Is there any consideration to package an EA version based on JDK 21

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed May 15 09:29:41 UTC 2024

On 15/05/2024 09:53, masoud parvari wrote:
> Alan, I think OP is asking about short term effort (current Loom repo 
> fiber branch) and not the long term Java object monitor implementation.
> So even the short term effort won't make it into JDK 23 ?

We need the fibers branch to track main line, it work put a huge tax all 
work items if the repo were based on JDK 21.

There are 3 parts to the object monitor work. The changes for 
Object.wait aren't in the loom repo yet, should be soon, and we'll 
publish another EA build at that point.  The fork for JDK 23 is in a few 
weeks so too soon for the ongoing work here.


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