ScopedValue polyfill follow-up

Andrew Haley aph-open at
Mon Feb 10 10:26:35 UTC 2025

On 2/9/25 11:58, Davor Hrg wrote:
> My concern may be misguided, but I do want to ask if there is any overhead to worry about with creating a lambda to create a scope,
> runWhere(CTX, value,()->{
>      //do something
> });

It's probably not a big deal, but you really don't have to create a lambda
every time you use a scoped value. runWhere() takes a Runnable, and you can
create a Runnable ahead of time, and re-use it.

Also, any lambda you create at the call site is potentially scalar replaced
anyway, as a common HotSpot optimization.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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