hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-osx/jdk: 7129732: [macosx] JCK failure: no focus transfer back to Window owner

anton.tarasov at sun.com anton.tarasov at sun.com
Wed Feb 1 02:51:09 PST 2012

Changeset: a7595ca81597
Author:    ant
Date:      2012-02-01 17:50 +0300
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u-osx/jdk/rev/a7595ca81597

7129732: [macosx] JCK failure: no focus transfer back to Window owner
Reviewed-by: anthony, art

! src/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/LWWindowPeer.java

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