Review request for 7124382: [macosx] Property sun.awt.enableExtraMouseButtons is always 'false'

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Thu Feb 2 04:16:09 PST 2012

Some comments from my side:

1. It would be fine not to store gsNumberOfButtons and gsButtonDownMasks 
in the native code twice. Probably, caching may be done at the Java 
level, e.g. in LWCToolkit? BTW, static variables in native are really 
painful in MVM-like environment (if we ever really support it).

2. I wonder how the following piece of code is expected to work:


Should we post two native events in this case (CGEventCreateMouseEvent 
doesn't seem to support multiple buttons at once)? It's not a question 
about the current fix, but rather how it works, or doesn't work, right now.



On 2/2/2012 2:49 PM, Leonid Romanov wrote:
> Hi,
> Please, review a fix for for
> webrev:
> Thanks,
> Leonid.

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