Mac OS X port - update

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Mon Feb 6 09:31:02 PST 2012

>>> Right now, JDK8 doesn't contain Mac OS X specific code, it cannot be
>>> built or run on Mac, so I don't see how individual fixes can be
>>> fw-ported. Instead, I would expect bulk migration from 7u to 8 similar
>>> to what Michael/Alex did for macosx-port to 7u-osx and 7u-osx to 
>>> 7u-dev.
>> The fixes I made to the langtools repo consisted of making a makefile or
>> two and some shell script tests aware of macos. These changes could be
>> ported to jdk8, without breaking anything, but as you say, there would
>> be no way to test the changes. So, I'll let this proposed bulk migration
>> port the changes.
> You're right. Moreover, any change like this would become a conflict 
> when merging from 7u to 8.

For this very reason,  I think we need to do this relatively quickly, as 
the source
base in jdk8 is diverging or will diverge rapidly.


> Thanks,
> Artem
>> - jjh
>>> Thanks,
>>> Artem
>>>> - jjh
>>>>> Kumar
>>>>>> -Alan

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