Review request for 7142565 - [macosx] Many special keys processed twice in text fields

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Wed Feb 8 07:10:08 PST 2012

Looks perfect. Thank you!

best regards,

On 2/8/2012 8:07 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:
> On 2/8/12 1:35 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Anton,
>> The fix looks fine.
>> Unless there are consistency considerations, you could move the 
>> declaration of the static variable into the method's body to localize 
>> the logic around this not-retained object pointer (and avoid adding 
>> any comments about that, too.) I'll leave this up to you and other 
>> reviewers.
> I put it to the top anticipating comments like you got for your fix 
> (which I looked at).  But ok, let's narrow the scope.
> Thanks,
> Anton.
>> -- 
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 2/8/2012 1:49 PM, Anton V. Tarasov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review a fix for 7142565.
>>> webrev:
>>> Key-equivalent events (typically with modifiers, but not only) are 
>>> delivered to NSWindow with
>>> performKeyEquivalent: The latter always returns NO (to let NSWindow 
>>> process system key events like
>>> Cmd+Q). According to the spec "if a key-equivalent is not recognized, 
>>> NSWindow sends it as an
>>> NSKeyDown event to the first responder". (However, it doesn't send 
>>> NSKeyDown for Control-key
>>> events.)
>>> Instead of inspecting a key-equivalent event to determine if it 
>>> should be propagated further or not,
>>> another simple workaround is suggested. It's to store a pointer to 
>>> the latest processed key event in
>>> AWTView and compare the current event to the previous one. In case 
>>> the event objects are the same,
>>> ignore the second (current) one.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anton.

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