Bundled app launcher changes

Greg Brown greg.x.brown at oracle.com
Fri Feb 10 16:42:34 PST 2012

Ah. I didn't realize that the change was anything other than stylistic. I will definitely change it to something else! Thanks for the heads-up.

On Feb 10, 2012, at 6:31 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:

> On Feb 10, 2012, at 9:54 AM, Greg Brown wrote:
>>> What about the app icon? :-)
>> Sorry, forgot about that. The icon attribute is optional now. If unspecified, the default GenericApp.icns icon will be used.
>> If you are interested, here is an example of an app bundle generated using the Ant task:
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49180229/SwingSet2.dmg
> Greg, one very important detail: please do not use the "Java" key in the Info.plist - that will trigger LaunchServices to go out an download Java SE 6 (it's our only way to determine if an app requires Apple's Java 6 before actually launching it).
> This is why I had changed that key to "JVMInfo" in the initial implementation of the launcher.
> Thanks,
> Mike Swingler
> Apple Inc.

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