Request for review: 7125657 [macosx] SpreadSheet demo has the broken display when clicking outside of the table

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Tue Feb 14 02:40:45 PST 2012

Hi Sergey,

The code change itself looks fine. However, I have a couple questions:

1. Why was this paintPeer() call needed in the updateComponent() in the 
first place? I assume there was some reason, and I wonder whether we 
break something by removing it.

2. Have you run (at least automatic) SQE/JCK component painting-related 
tests to ensure there's no regressions introduced with this fix?

best regards,

On 2/10/2012 1:20 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> There is no reason to paint native part of the peer on Update event.
> Note that we paint it in the XToolkit but most of the code(and this 
> demo) is working, because XPanel.paintPeer is noop.
> Bug:
> Webrev can be found at:

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