Problems running Swing app with latest build?

Roger Lewis roger.lewis at
Tue Feb 14 10:52:19 PST 2012

>> On 2/13/2012 10:22 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
>>> As a general point, the JDK 7 on the Mac should not be linking against libfreetype in the first place, because it's an X11 component, and optionally installed on Mac OS X. If there isn't a bug already to this effect, I'd be more than happy to file it.
>> FreeType is not an X11 component, it's a font manipulation library ("a software font engine" [1]). OpenJDK requires FreeType even on MS Windows platform, so this requirement is unlikely to go away.
>> [1]
> On Mac OS X, it is delivered with X11, which is an optionally installed component. If OpenJDK requires FreeType, then it needs to include it inside it's own bundle.
Agreed. An end user getting the runtime, say from, can not be 
required to install an optional component. They frankly would not want 
to go through the effort and would likely be confounded by the process, 
even with 'cookie cutter' instructions. I know that I would not want to 
explain that process to my mother-in-law :)


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