Problems running Swing app with latest build?

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Tue Feb 14 13:10:09 PST 2012

On Feb 14, 2012, at 1:56 PM, Phil Race wrote:

> On 2/14/2012 11:49 AM, Greg Brown wrote:
>> Thanks Phil, that helps clarify things a bit. I did not run into this problem with a locally-built JDK, but a nightly build that I downloaded. Since (presumably) that build didn't include the closed-source rasterizer, the runtime was looking for freetype and ran into a version mismatch. Correct?
> Look in the jre/lib directory where all the libFOO.dylib files are.
> Is there a libt2k.dylib ? There should be in an Oracle JDK build.
> If not then whoever built it didn't have the right sources.
> Conversely if there *is* such a file and you still get the error, then
> there's a "build" bug that's adding an unnecessary dependency - that - if
> its the case WOULD be a high priority bug!
> -phil.
Not remembering the source of my builds at the time of my bug. Again as I remember it, I downloaded and built a more current freetype and started using that from the X11 diredtory. No issues after that. Not a concern to me if it's not a high priority bug, or even left open if you say no end user of the released version will ever see it.
Not sure how Greg Brown ran into it again. But apparently if the libt2k version _somehow_ isn't present, you are at the mercy of the X11 version.

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