Request for review: 7124552 [macosx] NullPointerException in getBufferStrategy()

Andrew Brygin andrew.brygin at
Wed Feb 15 05:01:04 PST 2012

The change looks fine to me.

Alex, please note that there we just have to flush current buffer content
from the image buffer to a surface related to canvas.

The buffer strategy machinery is responsible to verify that the buffer
state is valid before flip.


On 2/15/12 4:38 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> 15.02.2012 16:28, Alexander Potochkin пишет:
>> Hello Sergey
>>> 15.02.2012 15:39, Alexander Potochkin wrote:
>>>> Hello Sergey
>>>> LWCanvasPeer.flip()
>>>> I don't think you can work withVolatileImage as with an ordinary 
>>>> Image,
>>>> you take a buffer and then draw it to the graphics
>>>> when the buffer may be already expired.
>>>> look at RepaintManager.PaintManager.paint()
>>>> it tries to repaint the image if its content is lost,
>>>> after the fixed amount of attempts it falls back to the BufferedImage
>>> Buffer strategy has its own contentLost()(see 
>>> FlipBufferStrategy.contentLost()) method which should be used by the 
>>> user.
>> Could you give me a test case which uses this strategy?
>> Thanks
>> alexp
>>>> Here is a good blog about using VolatileImage
>>>> LWWindowPeer - it would be better to move the comment to the 
>>>> method's javadoc
>>>> Thanks
>>>> alexp
>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>> This is the first implementation for canvas backbuffer. npe was 
>>>>> eliminated.
>>>>> Bug:
>>>>> Webrev can be found at: 

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