Code Review Request: 7118100: Inconsistency when using system and user preference on OSX Lion

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Feb 15 13:09:01 PST 2012

On 14/02/2012 22:32, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
> While syncing user preferences, a BackingStoreException is not 
> expected, since
> the current user should be able to read/write such preferences to the
> persistent storage (unlike system preferences, where current user needs
> to have admin rights). This fix aims at allowing a user preference node
> to sync any changes to the persistent storage.
> Bug:
> Webrev:
I'm not too familiar with the Mac implementation of the prefs API but 
the approach looks reasonable to me. I see this was an issue with 
Apple's JDK6 too but may not have been noticed as the preferences API 
isn't too widely used.

I assume this code has raw type warnings (the WeakReference usages at 
least) so we should put it on a list to clean up once it goes into JDK8 
(there are a few other issues but nothing to do what the change here). 
Minor nit is that L204 looks like it has 
indentation problems.


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