jdk7u-dev installer doesn't work on 10.6.8

Hal Perkins perkins at cs.washington.edu
Thu Feb 16 16:29:05 PST 2012

For several months the OS X Java 7 previews have been distributed as files
that could be dragged to the JavaVirtualMachines folder.  These worked fine
on OS X 10.6 and 10.7, and the preview page (
http://jdk7.java.net/macportpreview/) says that the code is still tested on
both systems.  Elsewhere it says the Java 7 port is not expected to use any
10.7-only APIs.  However the last two preview releases have been packaged
as installer files that require 10.7.  They won't launch on 10.6.8.

Unless there is now something in the code that actually requires 10.7,
please fix the installer so it works on 10.6.x as well, or else revert back
to the previous packaging (which seemed fine from the end-user view).
 There are a lot of us out here (as well as a lot of students) who would
like to take advantage of Java 7 but for various reasons can't upgrade yet
from 10.6.  Let's not repeat the situation we had with Java 5 and 6 where
an OS upgrade was forced on users to use the latest version of Java on Macs
even though the code worked fine on the previous OS X releases that were
still widely installed at the time.



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