java.library.path fix for MacOS X (7145798)

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Fri Feb 17 15:13:07 PST 2012

On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:

> On 2/17/12 3:36 PM, James Melvin wrote:
>> > Are there any security issues with using dot on a search path?
>> Yes.  But if I told you, I'd have to delete you.  :) 
> Ahhhhh.... security geek humor...
> It brings back fond memories...

More or less curiosity. 
One thing I was wondering about, this is specific to OS X java ongoing, was whether or not there would be any concerns with however accessing native libs is handled in relation to applications ending up in the Apple app store?

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