java.library.path fix for MacOS X (7145798)

Mike Swingler swingler at
Fri Feb 17 17:02:23 PST 2012

On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Michael Hall wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
>> Apps from the Mac App Store can load additional libraries, however I think it is only prudent for them to restrict their loading to libraries within their own code signed bundle.
> OK, sort of wondered about that. I would maybe see an advantage to loading from classpath in this case. Or, will the plist support some sort of $JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH or similar that would allow this to specify a path within the 'code signed bundle'?

You should be able to specify -Djava.library.path=$JAVA_ROOT in the VM arguments Info.plist key to refer to the ( directory.

Mike Swingler
Apple Inc.

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