java.library.path fix for MacOS X (7145798)

Dmitry Samersoff Dmitry.Samersoff at
Sat Feb 18 11:49:47 PST 2012


Sorry for stepping in later.
Feel free to ignore my comments. (Thumbs up!)

1. sprintf is an overkill here:

    strcpy(..);  strcat(":.");

    would do the same with less efforts.

2. Thank you for not expanding this fix to all BSD,
    I would prefer don't have it on my FreeBSD machine ;)


On 2012-02-18 02:06, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Greetings,
> Apple's version of Java includes "." in the java.library.path
> at the beginning. OpenJDK includes "." at the end of
> java.library.path on Windows. On Linux and Solaris, "." is
> not included at all.
> In the MacOS X port project, the relevant code was copied from
> Linux so "." is not present in java.library.path. This should
> be changed to make the OpenJDK7 version on MacOS X behave
> similar to the Apple version of Java6.
> Here is the webrev URL:
> There more lines of comment in there than code...
> Thanks, in advance, for any feedback.
> Dan

Dmitry Samersoff
Java Hotspot development team, SPB04
* There will come soft rains ...

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