Application classpath and tools.jar

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Sun Feb 19 10:54:18 PST 2012

On Feb 19, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Mike Swingler wrote:

> At runtime, you could find tools.jar relative to the "java.home" system property. Alternately, you could file an enhancement request to the JavaAppLauncher to substitute a $JAVA_HOME variable like the original contributed implementation substituted $JAVAROOT, $APP_PACKAGE, and $USER_HOME.

I'm trying to base a ClassLoader off the java.home property now. Not working yet but it probably should so hopefully I'll get there.

Since that is a little tricky, I may definitely in this instance file the enhancement request. I would think other application based code would want reasonably convenient tools.jar availability, not just me for this one.

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