problem with libfontmanager in jdk 1.7.0u

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Mon Feb 20 01:29:51 PST 2012

On 20/02/12 09:20, Michael McMahon wrote:
> This issue arose last week on the list (thread subject "Problems 
> running Swing app with latest build").
> Looking at it again, I notice that 10.7.3 delivers compatibility 
> version 14.0.0 of libfreetype
> whereas 10.7.2 has version 13.0.0. So, in this respect it looks like 
> 10.7.3 is not downwards
> compatible with previous versions of 10.7.
> I guess that means we should be building on 10.7.2 or earlier (if we 
> want full support
> of 10.7.*)
Just to avoid any confusion. This doesn't apply to Oracle's binary 
builds since freetype
isn't used by the Oracle build. It only applies to third party Openjdk 

- Michael

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