Java 7 for Mac OSX

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Mon Feb 20 15:41:23 PST 2012

> Since you'll have to bundle the JRE in your app anyway, would it be sufficient to simply compile the JRE for 32-bit from the OpenJDK sources? Is there a reason you need Oracle's proprietary binary?

Mike, I'll be happy to know how to build a 32bits version of OpenJDK
7, since we're discussing OpenJDK7 not Oracle implementation.

About QA testing, if there is resources for Linux, Solaris and Windows
32/64 bits versions, I don't see why OSX should have a different

For 32/64 bits support let me say that support was dropped without any
discussion on public lists.
And I recall OpenJDK 7 is aimed to be an OSS project where everybody
could have its own voice.

I built OpenJDK 7 for OSX for a least one year and I'm tired to see
discussions or decisions taken under the hood.

Who take this decision ? Apple, Oracle, OpenJDK community ?

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