problem with libfontmanager in jdk 1.7.0u

Mike Swingler swingler at
Mon Feb 20 16:12:41 PST 2012

On Feb 20, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Henri Gomez wrote:

>> The ideal solution is include instructions for obtaining, building, and integrating FreeType into the JDK build on <>.
>> Does anyone have a simple step-by-step instructions for how to pick the right release, building a minimal library required by OpenJDK, and then pointing the Mac JDK build at it?
> Do you means we should include freetype lib into OpenJDK to avoid
> brutal change in future OSX release ?
> Did there is others libraries which may have to be embedded also in the future ?

Yes, a .jdk or .jre bundle needs to include it's of FreeType library, since FreeType on Mac OS X is delivered via the X11 package, which has always been optionally installable (even though it has been a checked by default option).

I would advocate for circumventing the whole problem by not relying of FreeType, but if that's not possible, bundling is the only other obvious option. If bundling is necessary, the build instructions need to document how to obtain, build, and include the library into the final build JDK product.

Mike Swingler
Apple Inc.

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