java.library.path fix for MacOS X (7145798)

Greg Brown greg.x.brown at
Tue Feb 21 05:46:21 PST 2012

> It...sounds like there is demand for a JVMClassPath as well (which would logically necessitate a form of macro expansion to be able to reference inside the app bundle)

I'd still like to get a better understanding of the possible use cases before committing to this approach. I'm reluctant to support any feature that allows a caller to specify a classpath outside of the bundle, since this will have a negative impact on portability and security.

> As has been pointed out to me, there are many people in the community who consider flattening their filesystem hierarchy to be an unacceptable burden. I don't agree with it, but perhaps a JVMClassPath option will enable them to do what they want.

As I mentioned on a related thread, the Ant task probably isn't going to be the solution to all deployment needs. There will undoubtedly be some apps whose requirements are simply too esoteric to be met by the task. However, the goal is that it will be suitable for the majority of use cases.


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