Dropping 32-bit support (was Branches)

Mike Swingler swingler at apple.com
Tue Feb 21 14:21:06 PST 2012

On Feb 21, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:

> Another question for you guys about OSX.
> 32 bits support as been removed some weeks ago without further notice
> on OSX version.
> * Why such decision ?
> * How could we bring back 32 bits support, especially -d32 support ?
> * Where is the correct location to enter a bug report on this
> (bugreport.sun.com ?)

Dalibor & Mark,

Henri raises some good points here, since the ability to build OpenJDK 32/64 Universal was lost in the merge from the macosx-port repository to the jdk7u-osx repository with no public discussion.

I thought the ability to build 32/64 Universal was preserved, and Oracle was simply going to support 64-bit only in it's proprietary builds.

What is the best path to fixing this?

Mike Swingler
Apple Inc.

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