Java 7 for Mac OSX

Gregg Wonderly gregg at
Tue Feb 21 19:37:05 PST 2012

On 2/21/2012 6:24 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
> And no, the security thing you brought up is a red herring. (a) we cannot 
> promise this today either and (b) native apps can do anything anyway because 
> there is no security manager installed. Literally, you get better user 
> experience and better control. I don't see how this can be a bad thing. 
Some of my desktop apps I do deploy on windows with an installer that just runs 
a .bat to start them.  I do ship a JRE with those, and all of those are Jini 
based applications that do run with a security manager, because they are 
downloading code off of my customers servers, and I need to limit which servers 
they download code from, to control the number of deployed servers, as well as 
for security reasons.

So, please don't believe, for a minute that people don't use the security 
manager outside of applets.  The security manager is a very integral part of all 
of my Jini based applications.

I would appreciate being able to build a complete "installer" that works.  I 
just think that believing that a standalone .jar is not viable, is a bit short 
sighted.  Is it perfect, no.  But, I've found it to make software development to 
be much easier with java, because I can literally email an update to users of my 
jar based applications and they can have both versions around if needed with a 
small amount of space required.

For me, the .app model on the mac is how I've always considered the .jar for 
java.  I think .jar should really be just like .app, and in some cases, I've 
packaged up some pretty complicated applications as standalone jars, complete 
with JNI libraries, security managers, configurable policy, and lots of other 
bits.  I want people to be able to take that .jar with them to another machine 
and not have to have a installer that just spreads files around on their machine 
without providing any real functionality in doing that.

Gregg Wonderly

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