Dropping 32-bit support (was Branches)

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
Wed Feb 22 01:51:22 PST 2012


If the Hotspot openjdk build is changed to produce both 32/64 bit binaries
then the JDK build can be changed to do the same. The only reason why
32 bit support was removed in the JDK libs was because it wasn't 
available in Hotspot
at the time. This seemed to align with Oracle's (and Apple's) 
views/plans at the time also.

However, it's clear there is a demand for at least the Openjdk source to 
be buildable for
32/64 bit. How about if ARCH_DATA_MODEL=universal then we build both on 
Mac OS X?

We can do this in jdk7u-dev (post 7u4) and in jdk8. I don't see any need 
to get it into
7u4 because Oracle won't be supporting it in our JDK anyway.

- Michael

On 21/02/12 22:45, James Melvin wrote:
> One caveat...
> For the JVM, we've preserved 32/64-bit universal builds. Currently, the
> JVM universal build only includes 64-bit support. Additionally including
> 32-bit requires 3 Makefile uncomments. However, there may likely be
> additional work on the JDK side to fully support the same.
> - Jim
> On 2/21/12 5:21 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
>> On Feb 21, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
>>> Another question for you guys about OSX.
>>> 32 bits support as been removed some weeks ago without further notice
>>> on OSX version.
>>> * Why such decision ?
>>> * How could we bring back 32 bits support, especially -d32 support ?
>>> * Where is the correct location to enter a bug report on this
>>> (bugreport.sun.com ?)
>> Dalibor&  Mark,
>> Henri raises some good points here, since the ability to build 
>> OpenJDK 32/64 Universal was lost in the merge from the macosx-port 
>> repository to the jdk7u-osx repository with no public discussion.
>> I thought the ability to build 32/64 Universal was preserved, and 
>> Oracle was simply going to support 64-bit only in it's proprietary 
>> builds.
>> What is the best path to fixing this?
>> Mike Swingler
>> Apple Inc.

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