jtreg for Mac OS X

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Feb 22 16:40:40 PST 2012

Thanks, Mike.

-- Jon

On 02/22/2012 02:02 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> I'm updating the jtreg FAQ, http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/faq.html
>> and notice a couple of questions that need to be updated for the Mac.
>> Would someone care to provide the details necessary to update
>> question 4.7 http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/faq.html#question4.7
>> and question 4.13 http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/faq.html#question4.13
> The appropriate checks are:
> In Java: osName.contains("OS X")
> In shell: uname -s == Darwin
> While Darwin will also cover the non-graphical Darwin OS, for all intents and purposes, Darwin is accurate enough for the OpenJDK project.
> To be perfectly pedantic from the command line, you can always use the sw_vers tool, but that does not exist on other platforms:
> % sw_vers -productName
> This will return "Mac OS X", and "Mac OS X Server" in currently released versions of Mac OS X. It's value should precisely match System.getProperty("os.name").
> Regards,
> Mike Swingler
> Apple Inc.

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