RFR: 7113349 JDK8 port to macosx

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Feb 23 02:55:28 PST 2012

On 22/02/2012 21:50, Michael McMahon wrote:
> This is the webrev for the Mac OS changes for JDK8. It is pretty much
> a straight merge of the current jdk7u-dev changes. It builds and 
> passes most
> JCK and regression tests with only a small number of failures.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/7113349/jdk8/webrev.1/
> There are three separate webrevs at the link above for the three separate
> repositories affected (the top-level, corba and jdk). Obviously most 
> of the changes
> are in the jdk webrev. Comments welcome!
This is great work as this is a mega merge.

Just on logistics, I believe you plan to push this to jdk8/tl and let is 
stabilize there for a bit - is that right? This might have some 
temporary impact on folks that normally hang out in jdk8/awt and other 
client watering holes and maybe they will need to temporarily work from 
a clone of jdk8/tl. Also what is the approximate timing on all this?

As regards the webrev then I did a first pass. There's way too much to 
do a detailed review but I think that's okay because we've been over 
these changes a few times. The only mis-merge that I see is the fdlibm 
code. Joe Darcy removed a lot of unused code in jdk8 some time ago and 
it looks like this merge has brought this code back. It also looks like 
the ProblemList (exclude) changes didn't come over and we are going to 
need these in order to have clean test runs. Otherwise I don't see 
anything obvious with the merge.


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