Review request for 7124262: [macosx] Drag events go to a wrong child.

Alexander Potochkin Alexander.Potochkin at
Mon Feb 27 05:09:22 PST 2012

Hello Alexander

looks good


> On 2/27/12 14:39, Alexander Potochkin wrote:
>> Hello Alexander
>> In LWComponentPeer.removeDropTarget() you calladdDropTarget()
>> this looks like copy-paste error
> Yep. Fixed.
>> it would also be great to give some more details about the unexpected 
>> conversion in CDropTarget class
> Added all i know on the reason of why that happens, will help in the 
> future to understand of why we doing that transformation in that place.
> New webrev is available at 
> With best regards,
> Alex
>> Thanks
>> alexp
>>> On 2/22/12 20:13, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>> 22.02.2012 21:51, Alexander Zuev wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>   please review my fix for bug 7124262: [macosx] Drag events go to 
>>>>> a wrong child.
>>>>>   Bug description is 
>>>>>   Webrev can be found here:
>>>> I guess that old method code can be moved to LWWindowPeer? 
>>> I'm not sure about it - the fact that i can' figure out the 
>>> situation where we should register
>>> drag recognizer and component is not in the hierarchy where root 
>>> component has the LWWindowPeer derived
>>> peer doesn't mean that this situation is impossible. So i would let 
>>> this code be there.
>>>> What about removeDropTarget()?
>>> Yep - good catch - forgot that method.
>>>> Why we need this import?
>>>> import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
>>> Artifact of the debugging. Removed.
>>>> !winPeer.equals(this) could be replaced with !=?
>>> In this case - yes. Fixed.
>>> The new version of webrev available at 
>>> With best regards,
>>> Alexander Zuev
>>>>>   We are incorrectly registering DropTarget listener in the 
>>>>> LWComponentPeer even if peer is not the LWWindowPeer
>>>>> and because of that we are overriding the listener created for the 
>>>>> window itself so all the events come to the last added
>>>>> AWT component.
>>>>> With best regards,
>>>>> Alexander Zuev

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