Dropping 32-bit support (was Branches)

John Yeary johnyeary at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 15:13:35 PST 2012

Personally I like the idea of a default with "Universal" binaries, and the options for 32/64 for the reasons you mentioned. I think it is important to be inclusive vs. exclusive. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 27, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at oracle.com> wrote:

> Alternatively, we can completely ignore ARCH_DATA_MODEL on Mac and always build universal binaries. As far as I remember, we did exactly this when Mac OS X Port was a standalone OpenJDK project. Of course, in this case we'll lose an ability to build 32-bit and 64-bit only builds, which may be useful in cases when JDK/JRE size is important.
> Thanks,
> Artem
> On 2/22/2012 1:51 AM, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Jim,
>> If the Hotspot openjdk build is changed to produce both 32/64 bit binaries
>> then the JDK build can be changed to do the same. The only reason why
>> 32 bit support was removed in the JDK libs was because it wasn't
>> available in Hotspot
>> at the time. This seemed to align with Oracle's (and Apple's)
>> views/plans at the time also.
>> However, it's clear there is a demand for at least the Openjdk source to
>> be buildable for
>> 32/64 bit. How about if ARCH_DATA_MODEL=universal then we build both on
>> Mac OS X?
>> We can do this in jdk7u-dev (post 7u4) and in jdk8. I don't see any need
>> to get it into
>> 7u4 because Oracle won't be supporting it in our JDK anyway.
>> - Michael
>> On 21/02/12 22:45, James Melvin wrote:
>>> One caveat...
>>> For the JVM, we've preserved 32/64-bit universal builds. Currently, the
>>> JVM universal build only includes 64-bit support. Additionally including
>>> 32-bit requires 3 Makefile uncomments. However, there may likely be
>>> additional work on the JDK side to fully support the same.
>>> - Jim
>>> On 2/21/12 5:21 PM, Mike Swingler wrote:
>>>> On Feb 21, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
>>>>> Another question for you guys about OSX.
>>>>> 32 bits support as been removed some weeks ago without further notice
>>>>> on OSX version.
>>>>> * Why such decision ?
>>>>> * How could we bring back 32 bits support, especially -d32 support ?
>>>>> * Where is the correct location to enter a bug report on this
>>>>> (bugreport.sun.com ?)
>>>> Dalibor& Mark,
>>>> Henri raises some good points here, since the ability to build
>>>> OpenJDK 32/64 Universal was lost in the merge from the macosx-port
>>>> repository to the jdk7u-osx repository with no public discussion.
>>>> I thought the ability to build 32/64 Universal was preserved, and
>>>> Oracle was simply going to support 64-bit only in it's proprietary
>>>> builds.
>>>> What is the best path to fixing this?
>>>> Mike Swingler
>>>> Apple Inc.

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