Request for review 7147066: [macosx] FileDialog.getDirectory() returns incorrect directory

Dmitry Cherepanov dmitry.cherepanov at
Wed Feb 29 15:49:09 PST 2012

Mike Swingler wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Dmitry Cherepanov wrote:
>> Mike Swingler wrote:
>> Here's new webrev - 
> Looks great. I probably should have also mentioned that you can use NSArray iteration syntax too:
> for (id item in array) { }

We use the array index within the loop and the loop would look like:

for (id item in array){
    i = [array indexOfObject:item];
    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, returnValue, i, filename);

This way (with the indexOfObject:) might seem to be more costly rather 
than incrementing a variable, isn't it?


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