How will resolution independence be handled in jdk8?

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Mon Apr 29 17:09:09 PDT 2013

Keep in mind that all this effort to support Swing JButton images or
whatever is really only going to be useful for backward compatiblity with
Swing.  All of the development effort at Oracle appears to be targeting
JavaFX. Therefore if a solution requires API changes to Swing, it is mostly
a waste of time.  JavaFX is the way forward and that is where the
development effort will be concentrated.
As far as I can tell, Swing is in maintenance mode... I doubt any
new development will happen in Swing with the exception of security issues
and bug fixes.


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Matthew Bishop <matt at> wrote:

> Has anyone tried SVG images as icons for JButtons? It may be easier than
> trying to figure out which bitmap to use:

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