Specifying splash screen in bundle appears to completely screw up using FileDialog

Paul Taylor paul_t100 at fastmail.fm
Fri Nov 1 13:33:36 PDT 2013

On 01/11/2013 20:00, Paul Taylor wrote:
> After fixing a load of Java 7 related problems the last two days I was 
> all set to do a new release of my application, but when I did final 
> check of functionality I noticed that when using FileDialogs they were 
> opening a slightly different view (not FileDialog not JFileChooser) 
> and they were indicating busy whenever I selected a folder, and they 
> stayed busy unless I selected another folder and the select the first 
> folder again. this was  major regression so I spent all afternoon 
> checking my FileDialog related code which had been changed looking for 
> what I could have changed that would cause this, nothing seemed to fix 
> it.
> So I then started rebuilding my code from different svn checkins to 
> try and find out where it goes wrong, and the culprit was adding a 
> splash screen to the application bundle !
> I did have this in appbundle ant file (and I'm sure I've specified it 
> correctly because the application did correctly show the splash screen 
> when built with this included )
> <option value="-splash:$APP_ROOT/Contents/Java/splash.png"/>
> simply removing it and rebuilding and FileDialog now works as 
> intended, and Ive added it and taken it out and rebuilt each time to 
> check this because I couldn't believe it first time.
> How the two relate I do not know but I would assume splash screens are 
> pretty common, and the link with FileDialogs is so obscure it will be 
> difficult for developers to link the issues.
> I then found
>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8009203
> which looks to be the same issue, but the comment
>       'The issue exists from the jdk7u6 on OS X, so it is not a 
> regression'
> make no sense, it is  a regression if moving from Java 6 to Java 7
> And the comment
>           'It is unlikely that the client would notice the problem as 
> it's quite unusual to open the FileChooser immediately after the 
> application loads.'
> used to justify no fix until jdk 9 is incorrect, the problem occurs 
> however long you wait. This really should be fixed for Jdk 8 at least 
> IMO.
> thanks Paul
This issue  may also be related 


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