File watching on Oracle JDK on Mac OS X and other platforms

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Fri Nov 1 15:45:03 PDT 2013

On Nov 1, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Christopher Brown wrote:

> Hello,
> As I understand it, the file watcher service introduced with JDK 7 uses
> native (near real-time) notifications on Windows and Linux, but polling on
> Mac OS X.
> First off, is this correct?

Yes, polling
> Second, if it is, what is the polling interval on Mac OS X (and can it be
> configured)?

Don't know

This was part of nio.2 for JDK 7. There a couple mailing lists for that.
nio-dev at   
nio-discuss at    

Michael Hall

trz nio.2 for OS X

HalfPipe Java 6/7 shell app

AppConverter convert Apple jvm to openjdk apps

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