<AWT Dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

Hendrik Schreiber hs at tagtraum.com
Thu Nov 7 04:37:17 PST 2013

On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:

>> PLEASE, PLEASE don't make us wait until JDK9 for something that worked really well in Apple's JDK6.
> An internal API doesn't mean you can't use it with JDK8, only that it
> is not part of the default API (which is more or less the same as with
> Apple's JDK6).

Admittedly, I didn't read through the whole thread — moving the @2x naming to JDK9 just caught my eye.

> However wouldn't it better to wait for an early JDK8 fetaure update,
> instead of breaking the Image interface with an un-sound design
> forever?

Right, I forgot, Java is like Windows 32. Things stick around forever. ;-)

No, but seriously, proper Retina support is essential for the desktop. You can't ship a consumer application these days that does not support it.
To me it's one of the biggest obstacles for Java7 adoption on OS X.

As long as I have a way to create or load HiDPI images that I can use throughout my application (say e.g. in a JLabel) in Java8 or better Java7, I'm happy. If it's compatible with the Apple Java6 way of doing things (i.e. @2x), I'm even happier.

That's pretty much all I intended to convey with my plea above.



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