Application LSEnvironment plist entries not in System.getenv

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Sat Oct 19 15:16:02 PDT 2013

It appears to be true for both the appbundler project and the infinitekind branch of that, that nothing is done to pass these to the launched java application. As near as I can tell, but I'm not 100% sure what I am looking for to pass that on. Something in the launch parameters?

While on this, is the appbundler project considered completedt? There has been very little mailing list message traffic for months and none from anyone I know of to be a project person?

The reason for asking on this issue is that I was looking to add R language JSR 223 scripting support to my HalfPipe application based on this...

rscript - Java to R scripting interface

which has a dependency on…

JRI - Java/R Interface

which works fine from Terminal but doesn't from an application because it doesn't find it's required environment variables and fails. Even though I did set them in the plist so not sure why that is. 

The code appears OS X savvy to the point of knowing to check for the R framework in the absence of the environmental variable.  There then seem to be workarounds like setting the environment variable itself with a setenv native call. Or going directly after the file(s) by absolute path. The failing error is in the native code, not sure why the workarounds don't avoid it. But for now anyhow it appears to be a show stopper for java application use of this code.

Michael Hall

trz nio.2 for OS X

HalfPipe Java 6/7 shell app

AppConverter convert Apple jvm to openjdk apps

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