Where Can I Find the Javadocs for Apple Extensions?

Will Herrmann wjherrmann at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 13:37:06 PDT 2013

I filed a bug using the link you provided and received an e-mail back saying that it was accepted as bug #9007897. However, when I try to search for it in the bug database, I am told "This bug is not available. More information is available here." Clicking on the word "here" brings me to a blank page. So I'm not sure what I did wrong or if there are internal server problems with the bug database.

-Will Herrmann

On Oct 30, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

> Hi, Will.
> I suggest to file a bug for this at http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport
> As a workaround you can generate javadoc ourself from the source code:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk/file/db2838f25a85/src/macosx/classes/com/apple/eawt
> On 30.10.2013 0:41, Will Herrmann wrote:
>> A while back, I'd asked if Java 7 and onwards would continue to include the Apple Extensions (e.g. com.apple.eawt). I was told that they would indeed remain, but I don't think I ever got an answer about where I can find the Javadocs for them. They used to be hosted on Apple's website (at http://bit.ly/1939ShE), but it now results in a Page Not Found error. The OpenJDK site doesn't seem to have them and they're not in the standard Java 7 Javadocs either. Where can I find these Javadocs?
>>  Thanks in Advance,
>> -Will Herrmann
> -- 
> Best regards, Sergey.

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