Java HotSpot on mips64

Jonathan Springer springer at
Tue Oct 28 10:39:34 PDT 2008


Kauser Jamal wrote:
> I want to port the OpenJDK including especially the HotSpot compiler 
> (and not interpreted mode) on a mips64 server machine. It is a 16-core 
> Cavium Octeon server, running the Debian Linux OS.
> I have succesfully compiled the OpenJDK source code on an Intel-based 
> machine, for which binary plug-in is required and is available 
> (_jdk-7-ea-plug-b38-linux-i586-23_oct_2008.jar_ 
> <>)  for 
> that specific architecture on the site.
> For the mips64 architecture, I want to do the same. However, its binary 
> plug-in is not available on the site under the 'OpenJDK source 
> releases. Where can I find it? Is there any other way to port the Sun 
> HotSpot Java on the mips machine?

There are no binary plugs for MIPS currently.  Here are a couple

-- Hack out the dependencies.  As of b38, only jmx.snmp and jsound are
    affected, so for your purposes you might be able to get along
    without them.

-- Use the IcedTea workarounds [].
    IcedTea is based on OpenJDK 6 now, so there might be some
    adaptation needed.  Alternately, if you have no particular reason
    to favor JDK7 over JDK6, you could just switch to OpenJDK 6.

Which is best probably depends on your goal in doing the port.  What
is your objective in getting it working?

Beyond the matter of the binary plug, you mention that you want a
non-interpreter port.  This will require substantial development.  I
did a MIPS port, but it is interpreter-only so far.  Another route is
IcedTea, which has a project called Shark that is integrating LLVM as
a compiler for OpenJDK.  It's still in progress, but a bigger issue is
that there is no MIPS version of LLVM (last I heard, probably a year

Please do let us know how it goes if you pursue a port to the Octeon!


Jonathan Springer     |
Reservoir Labs, Inc.  |

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