From zenon at  Thu May  7 08:29:58 2009
From: zenon at (Zenon Fortuna)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 08:29:58 -0700
Subject: trying to build Sun Java 1.6 for MIPS ... problems
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to build the Java 1.6 "jre" for MIPS/Linux, but have 
problems even with generation of the IcedTea.
First of all, is it needed to generate the IcedTea? Or there are other 
ways to generate Java "jre" for MIPS?

I have installed a Debian system version 5.0.1 and run it under QEMU/mipsel.
Tried to follow the IcedTea building instructions from
but there is an endless sequence of various missing packages and features.
Currently my "./configure --with-ecj" for the IcedTea complains about 
   No package 'mozilla-js' found
   No package 'mozilla-plugin' found
   No package 'libxul-unstable' found
But let's assume I will solve this problem as well.

The general question: Am I following the right path at all?
Maybe there is a ready-to-be-used Java 1.6 for MIPS available already 
and I am just wasting time trying to build it?
Any hints and/or information will be highly appreciated.


From pradeepreddy.maram at  Thu May  7 09:18:59 2009
From: pradeepreddy.maram at (Maram, Pradeepreddy (NSN - IN/Bangalore))
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 00:18:59 +0800
Subject: trying to build Sun Java 1.6 for MIPS ... problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I hope the below link helps you.

Pradeep Reddy Maram


-----Original Message-----
From: mips-port-bounces at 
[mailto:mips-port-bounces at] On Behalf Of ext 
Zenon Fortuna
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:00 PM
To: mips-port at
Subject: trying to build Sun Java 1.6 for MIPS ... problems

I am trying to build the Java 1.6 "jre" for MIPS/Linux, but 
have problems even with generation of the IcedTea.
First of all, is it needed to generate the IcedTea? Or there 
are other ways to generate Java "jre" for MIPS?

I have installed a Debian system version 5.0.1 and run it under 
Tried to follow the IcedTea building instructions from
but there is an endless sequence of various missing packages 
and features.
Currently my "./configure --with-ecj" for the IcedTea complains 
about missing
   No package 'mozilla-js' found
   No package 'mozilla-plugin' found
   No package 'libxul-unstable' found
But let's assume I will solve this problem as well.

The general question: Am I following the right path at all?
Maybe there is a ready-to-be-used Java 1.6 for MIPS available 
already and I am just wasting time trying to build it?
Any hints and/or information will be highly appreciated.


From zenon at  Thu May  7 09:25:09 2009
From: zenon at (Zenon Fortuna)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 09:25:09 -0700
Subject: trying to build Sun Java 1.6 for MIPS ... problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oh, thanks a lot!
Hopefully there exists also a package for a little-endian version ...


Maram, Pradeepreddy (NSN - IN/Bangalore) wrote:
> Hi, 
> I hope the below link helps you. 
> Pradeep Reddy Maram
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mips-port-bounces at 
> [mailto:mips-port-bounces at] On Behalf Of ext 
> Zenon Fortuna
> Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:00 PM
> To: mips-port at
> Subject: trying to build Sun Java 1.6 for MIPS ... problems
> I am trying to build the Java 1.6 "jre" for MIPS/Linux, but 
> have problems even with generation of the IcedTea.
> First of all, is it needed to generate the IcedTea? Or there 
> are other ways to generate Java "jre" for MIPS?
> I have installed a Debian system version 5.0.1 and run it under 
> QEMU/mipsel.
> Tried to follow the IcedTea building instructions from 
> but there is an endless sequence of various missing packages 
> and features.
> Currently my "./configure --with-ecj" for the IcedTea complains 
> about missing
>    No package 'mozilla-js' found
>    No package 'mozilla-plugin' found
>    No package 'libxul-unstable' found
> But let's assume I will solve this problem as well.
> The general question: Am I following the right path at all?
> Maybe there is a ready-to-be-used Java 1.6 for MIPS available 
> already and I am just wasting time trying to build it?
> Any hints and/or information will be highly appreciated.
>          -zenon

From linuxhippy at  Tue May 26 14:25:42 2009
From: linuxhippy at (Clemens Eisserer)
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 17:25:42 -0400
Subject: Java HotSpot on mips64
In-Reply-To: <BAY131-W381AD863F534C19A144B79BA200@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY131-W315CD6ED8A5EF6087F50F2BA270@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>


There's no mips version of hotspot available as open-source.
A proprietary version of 1.4.2 exists as far as I know for embedded use.

- Clemens

2008/10/30 Kauser Jamal <kanwaljamal at>:
> Hi,
> Jonathan wrote:
>> There are no binary plugs for MIPS currently. Here are a couple
>> options:
>> -- Hack out the dependencies. As of b38, only jmx.snmp and jsound are
>> affected, so for your purposes you might be able to get along
>> without them.
>> -- Use the IcedTea workarounds [].
>> IcedTea is based on OpenJDK 6 now, so there might be some
>> adaptation needed. Alternately, if you have no particular reason
>> to favor JDK7 over JDK6, you could just switch to OpenJDK 6.
>> Which is best probably depends on your goal in doing the port. What
>> is your objective in getting it working?
>> Beyond the matter of the binary plug, you mention that you want a
>> non-interpreter port. This will require substantial development. I
>> did a MIPS port, but it is interpreter-only so far. Another route is
>> IcedTea, which has a project called Shark that is integrating LLVM as
>> a compiler for OpenJDK. It's still in progress, but a bigger issue is
>> that there is no MIPS version of LLVM (last I heard, probably a year
>> ago).
>> Please do let us know how it goes if you pursue a port to the Octeon!
> Thanks a lot for the quick and useful reply, Jonathan.
> I am developing benchmarks in Java for the measurement of memory, CPU and
> network throughput. That is why?I need a good performing JVM, which
> therefore must include the HotSpot engine.
> The packages available on Debian (using aptitude) only provide the
> interpreter of the JVM for the mips architecture (as far as I have tried).
> Therefore, I decided to build the JVM from source code.
> I have started work on building the IcedTea on the mips system. Let's see
> how it goes. I will inform everyone here about the outcome.
> Kauser
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